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Chufamix and the Market for Non-Dairy Beverages

The dairy-free beverage alternatives include plant-based milk that is processed through cereals, nuts, seeds, vegetables, ancient grains (quinoa, chia) etc. The global market shows a significant growth due to increasing number of people with lactose-intolerance and milk allergies, growing number of vegans and vegetarians, etc. who are adopting a dairy-free diet.

The global market for dairy free beverage alternatives is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15% from 2013 to 2018*. In 2012, the Asia-Pacific region dominated this market. The market was dominated by soy milk, both, in terms of value and volume. Almond milk is projected to grow due to increasing popularity among the consumers.  

While the market for dairy-free beverages market is set to boom, it is still very hard to find a carton of these plant based milk beverages which is certified non-GMO, without added oil or/and sweeteners or anything else added. The cost of these cartons of almond, rice, oat or soy milks which are deemed organic (but with  questionable organic thickeners, sweeteners etc added) can be prohibitive for families. 

This is where making fresh nut milks, cereal milks, seed milks and vegetable milks (mylks) becomes a good value proposition. All gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and preservative free! You can make these milks as you need them, they taste sensational and you KNOW what is in it – only nuts, seeds, cereals, grains or vegetables and water! Of course you may add dates, raw cacao, raisins, orange peel , vanilla (all organic of course) to suit you and your children’s tastes but the range is only limited by your imagination! They last 3-5 days in the refrigerator in a glass container but I find it is finished within 2 days because it is too delicious to be left lingering in the fridge!

 This is why Chufamix is the perfect solution for making fresh, unadulterated nut, cereal, seed, grains and vegetable milks – it takes less than 5 minutes to make the milk, sieve the pulp, clean the sieve and store the pulp for future use. No more messy nut (milk) mylk bags and more time to enjoy the milk in my tea or on its own when I need that extra oomph for the day!

*Source: Food Navigator USA

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